登记 错误消息 Guide

错误消息 这意味着什么? 你应该做什么
封闭的部分 这部分是完整的. 没有候补名单. Select another section for the course.
并修课程要求 Another course is required to take with this one. Click on the CRN of the course you want to take; it will list the additional course(s) required. 注册 for the courses by typing the CRN for all corequisites into the boxes at the bottom of the Add/Drop classes screen.
Course is not available for registration at this time You cannot register for this course. Please choose another section.
CRN不存在 找不到这个课程. Please make sure you have typed the CRN correctly and/or check that you are in the correct registration term.
重复的部分/课程 You have already registered for this course or section. You are already registered for the course or were at one point. If not currently registered for the course, 联系登记 & 记录 (registration@jinken-fukuoka.com) 寻求帮助.
持有 There is a "hold" on your account that prevents registration. You need to resolve this with the office that placed a registration restriction on your account before you can register. 例如, if you have a hold due to money being owed to the college, it might state: SAO Past Due Balance. SAO = Student Accounts Office.
老师允许 Permission from the instructor is needed to register in this course. Contact the instructor for more information (see 大学目录). Permission is at the discretion of the instructor.
必修课程 You must also register for the course attached to this one. Click on the CRN of the course you want to take; it will list the additional course(s) required. 注册 for the courses by typing the CRN for all linked courses into the boxes at the bottom of the Add/Drop classes screen.
Department Permission Required Permission from the department is needed to take the course. Reach out to the department 寻求帮助 (for example: Criminal Justice, 教育, 公共服务部门.)
Major or Field of Study Restriction You are unable to take this course as you are not in the required program. 选择另一门课程. Speak to an advisor about the requirements necessary to gain admission into the major specified.
超过的最长工作时数 You have met the maximum number of credits allowed for the semester. Refer to your advisor or department chairperson to discuss a credit overload. Overloads are not typically granted if GPA is below 3.0. Students on Academic Restriction are limited to 8 credits.
开放等待名单 This class has an open seat(s), but students on the waitlist are given priority to register. Add yourself to the waitlist. Select “候补名单” from the drop-down menu). For more information about the waitlist process, see 候补名单 Frequently Asked Questions.
Prerequisite and Test Score Error This course requires prerequisites (courses completed before registering) or corequisites (courses taken at the same time). Click on the CRN of the course you want to take; the course description will list the prerequisites and/or corequisite. 注册 for the prerequisite/co-requisite or consult your advisor. A placement test for math and/or English may be required, if not already taken.
优先注册 You cannot register at this time. See 优先注册 on the MCC home page in the A-Z index (look under P). 注册 for classes starting on your priority registration date.
Section status prevents 登记 This section is not active on the Master Schedule.
Course is not available for registration.
Select a course with the correct section.
时间冲突 This section overlaps with another course on your schedule. Select another section or course.

Specialized Types of 课程

专业课 这意味着什么? 你应该做什么
快速通道 These are linked courses and must be taken together. Look at the CRN numbers and make sure you want to take both courses.
Flex的速度 These sections require registration in both the course and a “conference” which provides additional instruction time. Look at the CRN numbers to see what regular and conference sections you need to register for together.
(Student Attribute Restriction)
These courses are open only to students who meet the 荣誉 designation. Select another section or contact your advisor to see if you are eligible to take this course.
学习社区(LC) These are linked courses and must be taken together. Look at the CRN numbers and make sure you want to take both courses. 例如, some Learning Communities are designated for Criminal Justice majors and students must take all courses listed. Other Learning Communities may be open to all students and/or linked based on placement test (i.e. ENG 101(含TRS 099).
Specific course sections or topics Some courses have specific topics covered. (例如, PEC 148 has sections for yoga, physical fitness, cardio boot camp, etc.) Make sure to register for the section you want.